The S71 Custom Shop represents our highest level of hand-made quality. A custom S71 can be anything from a personalised version of an existing model, or a completely new and totally unique instrument that represents the guitar or bass of your dreams. The luthiers at the S71 Custom Shop are among the finest in the world, with a passion for detail that blends the highest performance with the best artistic craftsmanship in musical instrument design.

The S71 Guitars Company wants to give you everything you need to make personalising a custom guitar fast and easy. You can use the custom order form below and choose from every imaginable combination of guitar design options, just tell us about the guitar you always dreamed about. Then submit the order form and receive  a price quote.

Get In Touch!

Have questions? We’ll be happy to answer!



    Contact Info

    188, Sankt-Alban Rheinweg - BASEL

    Phone: +41 78 716 93 28


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    let’s try out our custom shop and rare vintage guitars

     book a date right now, we’re available 7 days a week